Cost vs Carbon: Sustainability experts demand for cheaper train travel, with Brits spending 358% more to travel by rail

Cost vs Carbon: Sustainability experts demand for cheaper train travel, with Brits spending 358% more to travel by rail

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New information has revealed the urgent dilemma of saving value or carbon emissions for Brits, as train travel is found to be 358% more costly than driving. In response to a 4.9% rail fare hike earlier this 12 months, Brits are having to decide for more cost-effective modes of transport regardless of the carbon influence it creates.

New analysis from Innovative Energy Consultants has now analysed journeys to main cities within the UK and in contrast the monetary and environmental prices of travelling through automobile, train, and aircraft for two folks.

An common journey between cities within the UK prices simply £34.19 in petrol for two folks, however £156.38 for two train tickets, a 358% improve.

For 81% of journeys, flying is more inexpensive than taking the train, with one journey even being cheaper by aircraft. Flying from London to Edinburgh would value Brits simply £36 in contrast to £39.44 by automobile and £97 through train.

The environmental dilemma 

Across the journeys analysed, two flyers can be accountable for 2.8 tonnes of CO2e, in contrast to 0.37 tonnes of CO2e through train, making flying 7.7 occasions as polluting as train travel. Travelling 200 miles (Manchester to London) prices more than triple the quantity to travel through train than by automobile, nevertheless, driving this distance emits nearly triple the quantity of carbon.

On common, travelling through train emits 33 kgCO2e of carbon for two passengers whereas driving produces 100 kgCO2e of carbon emissions, nearly triple the quantity of greenhouse has emissions.

Eleanor Akers, Director and Founder of Innovative Energy Consultants, a sustainability and technique consultancy for companies, feedback: “Every time somebody chooses the train over driving, they’re taking a automobile off the UK’s overcrowded roads and lowering Greenhouse Gas emissions and air air pollution. Every time they select the train over flying, they’re signalling to the market that sustainability issues. Unfortunately, the UK’s regulatory setting shouldn’t be sending the identical indicators with trains paying taxes on power that airways are exempt from. As a nation, we’ve got a legally binding internet zero by 2050 goal. I don’t understand how we will attain this when companies and extraordinary persons are being requested to pay such a excessive worth for sustainability throughout a cost-of-living disaster.

“I urge everyone to sign this petition to help make train travel genuinely affordable and to write to their MP to let them know how important this issue is to both economic growth and achieving our national sustainability targets. I also urge businesses to set an internal carbon price and use this to create clear business travel policies to empower staff to make the sustainable choice wherever possible.”



The submit Cost vs Carbon: Sustainability experts demand for cheaper train travel, with Brits spending 358% more to travel by rail appeared first on Travel Daily Media.

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